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Pros and cons of flooding media with all black ink (Latex 365)

HP Latex 300 Series

#1 JasonT_SG 6 years ago

Hello all, Wanted to get your opinion on this. I've been having trouble finding a mesh media substrate that is all black on one side and white on the other. Has anyone come across a media that matches this description? If not, the other idea that's been tossed around would be to flood one side of a white media with all black ink. Obviously that would use up a ton of ink and put a lot of work on that printhead. What do you see as being the major pros and cons of doing this? Would be doing this on a Latex 365.

#2 HP-Sonia 6 years ago

#1 There is no certified media with the requirements that you are looking for on the HP Media Solution Locator, so it is difficult for me to assess you. As for what you say about to print one face of the media all in black, will depend very much on the final application you want to do. Basically, you will define quality. But definitely it you can reach interesting results. In my opinion, the cons on printing a mesh media with black ink, might be: A great amount of black ink will remain in the ink collector (depending on the square meters that you are printing you will have to change the ink collector several times) In the white face of the media you might see part of the black ink printed on the back face. I doubt you would have a uniform white. You should play with the amount of ink, number of passes, curing... Please let us know the results by uploading pictures! I hope the information above helps.

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