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Solid color problem

#1 brunelle.maxime 4 years ago

Hi guys, I really have trouble getting a nice solid, with each attempt there are small white dots in the solid. I am using new media with a certified profile. I run in 10p. We have had this problem for a long time. I added a picture as reference. Thank you.

#2 ye.mdy926604 4 years ago

#1 In my opinion ; u should try to print with no color correction in sai flexi; and u first choose 10 pass and no color correction

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#3 brunelle.maxime 4 years ago

Sorry I forgot to mention that I use ONYX Thrive RIP. I don't have access to sai Flexi.

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#4 faridsk 4 years ago

This seems to me as a problem with Optimizer. Try cleaning the Optimizer PH and see if there is a difference. I recently had a issue with solid colors where the solid colors would bleed and I replaced the Optimizer PH and the issue was resolved. Plus I also was looking at the User Manual and on pg 108 there is a similar issue explained and it looks like yours. That also explains it to be Optimizer related.

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