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trouble with margins

#1 tez069176 3 years ago

Hi people, i have purchased a latex 360 printer and also have cadlink digital factory v10 print and cut rip software, the trouble is i cant for the life in me get the right hand margin the same as the left/top/bottom, the right margin is like 3 times as wide as the rest, any ideas as to what is wrong, i will attach an image. also i am printing on paper for most jobs lately and with the curing process prints seem to take longer than my old 5500 , i get that the way the ink is curing is necessary on the latex, but is there a way to turn off the cure for this type of media? any help appreciated. regards.

#2 HP Daniela Ciolompea 3 years ago

Hi @tez069176,

The printer margins determine the area between the edges of your image and the edges of the substrate. The 365 or 375 printer with ink collector is capable of printing with no side margins (full bleed).

The side margins for a particular print job are selected in the RIP software; if the job exceeds the substrate width, it will be clipped.

Have you tried to print a full bleed job?

Related to the curing subject, the best option would be to adjust the inter-pass delay offset. Like this, you can control the time you want the job to spend in the curing module. The usual way to increase speed is to reduce the number of print passes, although this will tend to reduce print quality. Bear in mind the following considerations.

● With fewer than 8 passes, you may see an increase in grain.

● With fewer than 6 passes, the printer is more sensitive to substrate-advance problems, and you may need to reduce the ink quantity to improve print quality.

● As you reduce the number of passes, the best curing temperature may be more difficult to find and may be more sensitive to the ambient temperature and humidity.

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