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Colour inconsistency

#1 MCSC1984 5 years ago

So I am running an HP Latex 570 and having issues with colour consistency across print runs. Each time I print I run the HP test print first to warm up the printer, then I print the calibration test. I hand calibrate each time using the X-Rite i1 Pro v2 tool and optimize as needed until the results come back within acceptable levels. The media settings are "HP Latex570@DESKTOP-Q3OUOLD>MCSC3690" and colour profile is "GRACoL2006_Coated1v2.icc" We are using pantone colours in most artwork and it is critical that they print the same each time. In the RIP software I ensure that the maximum plate count is never exceeded and the colours in the art file are spec'd as pantones and not CMYK or other colour types. Yet even with all these steps being done correctly the colour is still not consistent. We seem to be having the most problem with blue hues coming out with too much magenta and skewing into a purple hue. This is a big issue and can't happen. Any ideas what is causing this or how to fix it?

#2 kanecharles0420781 11 months ago

It appears that color consistency issues on your HP Latex 570 printer are causing difficulties. To help you solve this problem, you can use time calculator to track print time and calibrate your printer. This can help you determine whether there were any changes during the printing process that affected color consistency.

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