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HP Latex 365 Multi-color Streaks

#1 benjaminwinter12201 2 years ago

Have been having getting random multi-color lines in our print. Almost looking like the lines when you do a printhead alignment. At first they were smaller, now they are almost the length of the vinyl. We are using a Latex 365, vinyl media. Any idea on what could be causing the issue. Thanks in advance. (Pic attached)

#2 nancydrewsub12228 2 years ago

@subway surfers Whether you’re looking for direct-to-vinyl cutting or a picture-perfect print-and-cut workflow, HP FlexiPRINT and CUT has the power and features to increase your production capabilities. Easily design and edit bitmaps and vector images with Flexi's powerful editing capabilities. Increase your efficiency with True Shape Vinyl nesting and custom Spot Colour Matching, all from one powerful application.

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