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HP WallArt Base Url

#1 eyeprint 8 years ago

Good morning, Regarding the integration of the Woocommerce plugin, the WallArt configuration requests an HP WallArt Base Url as one of the main steps to set up the shop. Acording to the developers manual, in the section "Communication between WordPress Plugin and your HP WallArt account ", this information can be found at Settings > System configuration. URL identifier. I've gone to the System configuration from Wallart (version 4.0) but this information is not displayed in that page any more. This step is mandatory, please let me know where can I find it to start running the shop I'm attaching two screenshots: One with the instructions and a second one with the settings page thanks

#2 HP-MarcM 8 years ago

Hi eyeprint, i understand the issue, since the screenshot that you refers on, it belongs to the previous interface of HP WallArt. You can find the URL identifier through Settings > Workflow Integration as you can see in the following image. Remind that you should set up a unique URL identifier that hasn´t been already taken. Hope this helps

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