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Cartuchos 851a no reconoce

#1 alberto.nanzi12932 a year ago

Hola, la impreso me pidio reemplazar cartucho, lo hice, me dice que esta todo ok que es el original. Pero después me pide que reinserte el cartucho porque no lo detecta, lo hago y nada. Pruebo de reemplazar otro color y lo mismo, Intente reinicindo el quipo y nada, sigue sin reconocer los cartuchos nuevos, Alguna solución? gracias

#2 HP Daniela Ciolompea a year ago

Hi @alberto.nanzi12932, Perform the following checks: Check that you have the correct type of cartridge or tank (model number). Check that the colored label on the cartridge or tank is the same as the label on the slot. Check that the cartridge or tank is correctly oriented; the arrow on its front should face upwards. The issue could also be related to a deformed pin, With your finger, press on the 3–liter ink tank pin so that it returns to its original shape. If this doesn't solve the issue, contact your service support representative for additional troubleshooting.

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