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PST Office365

Joined 2 years ago United States
As the usage of cloud computing grows, more and more companies are switching to Office 365 for its cloud-based productivity, collaboration, and communication features. However, when you attempt to utilize both new and outdated platforms, system migration might give you problems and dissatisfaction. If you abruptly tell your staff to switch email platforms, they could feel left out, and you need to make sure your data is safe while you make the switch. Additionally, migrations might take a few weeks to several months. There are a number of alternatives available to you when it comes time to transition to Office 365. We'll break down the various Office 365 migration types in this post to assist you in selecting the approach that is ideal for your business. Considerations to Make When Selecting an Office 365 Migration Type There are a few considerations you should ask yourself before choosing between Office 365 migration types, such as: How long will it take you to move? How much money do you have to move? How much data must be migrated? Which email provider are you currently using? Which Exchange Server version are you running? Following your responses to these inquiries, you may proceed with choosing the ideal migration strategy for your company. Website:
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