Below you will find a list of all the documents uploaded with a brief description of each one:
This is probably the most technical document of them all. It will provide you information about the chemicals that are included in the HP Latex Inks. The part I like the most from the document is colored tables were you can compere different printing technologies and their environmental status on different attributes such as odor, VOCs,…
Customer Sustainability handbook: This is the longest environmental document uploaded up to date (20 pages). Although it can be a bit heavy to read in once, it will provide you several tips on how to sell the environmental added value in your HP Latex Technologies printed applications to your customers.
Environmental certifications and eco-labels overview: This is a new version of an older document hosted in the HP Latex Knowledge Center. In it you will find explanation of all the environmental certifications of the HP Latex Printing Technologies and how they benefit for your business.
HP Latex 3000 Printer Environmental Credentials: This document will provide you a quick look to the most important environmental certifications that apply to your HP Latex 3000 Printer.
HP Latex 300 Printer Series Environmental Credentials: This document will provide you a quick look to the most important environmental certifications that apply to your HP Latex 300 Printer series.
And finally, last week, we also uploaded a new customer success story about Easyflyer, a French printing company that have increased its benefits printing green applications using HP Latex Printing Technologies. If you want to know more about it, please click on the link below: