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Magenta Ink wipes off

#1 kjones6468 5 years ago

Hello Our Latex 310 printer has been printing great, but when we go to apply the vinyl to the sign material, some of the ink wipes off. It's mostly the magenta that we've had a problem with. It will just streak through the other colors. I have checked and double checked the substrate that was loaded, ran different tests, the temp is all the way up. Any idea what might cause this or any way to fix it? Thanks!

#2 HP-ColorGuy 5 years ago

What is the class of media that you are printing to? I might suggest that you utilize the proper Media Preset / print mode for the media from the HP Media Locator - this can be accessed from the printer front panel or installed via the Embedded Web Server (EWS):

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#3 kjones6468 5 years ago

Yes. We have the correct media profile downloaded for what we are using. It's set on 10 passes and 100% saturation. We just had a tech out because there was a leak in the black ink lines. Everything was fine and then it was like someone flipped a switch and it started messing up.

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#4 HP-Sonia 5 years ago

Hello kjones6468! Have you checked the PrintHeads and Inks supplies?

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#5 kjones6468 5 years ago

Yes. We replaced the printheads and ink cartridge.

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#6 HP-Sonia 5 years ago

I suggest you contact your HP Service Support, they will be able to see and check what is going on in front of the printer.

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