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Reaching more vivid colors in a HP Latex 300 Series Printer

#1 4 years ago

Hi, It's our second HP Latex 300 series and we always see the same problems with the new one : Vivid Red colors appear slightly orange... Of course, we make a color calibration and ICC profile, printheads and cartridges are all new. Sonia, you write this topic : Could you give me tutorial or explain how to do "Setting RIP sliders in order to increase presence (%) of a given color" on RIP FlexiPRINT HP Edition ? Thanks for answer, Best regards from France.

#2 4 years ago

help please...

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#3 HP Daniela Ciolompea 4 years ago

Hi @lerouxjul, It looks like you have performed correctly all the steps. Have a look also at these videos that might help out: If after performing the recommendations from the videos you are still having issues, I suggest contacting your support representative to check the printer properly.

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#4 4 years ago

Hi, Thanks for answer, I don't have issues, just bland red colors like all HP Latex owners. I just want to know how to increase presence (%) of red colors on RIP FlexiPRINT HP Edition ? Thanks for answer.

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#5 HP Daniela Ciolompea 4 years ago

Hi @lerouxjul, Have a look at the videos mentioned. Also here are some more: I hope it helps.

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#6 4 years ago

Hi, Thanks for answer, but you don't answer to my question. I know very good all we can see on all these videos. I use Flexi for about 10 years. Sonia was explaining and says on the link above that there is an "option to increase the presence of a given color by setting up the percentage of a given colour density. This way, setting a higher presence of Magenta will redefine the presence of each colour and increase the red levels." I just want to know how to increase presence (%) of red colors on RIP FlexiPRINT HP Edition ? Thanks for answer.

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#7 HP Daniela Ciolompea 4 years ago

Hi @lerouxjul, Considering you have quite extensive experience with this and since I can't offer a more specific guide, I would suggest contacting your support representative, who in turn could contact Flexi to get more details.

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#8 4 years ago

I contacted my support representative and they said to ask HPlatexknowledgecenter because it's hplatexknowledgecenter blog that speak about that... This is exactly what HP Forum latexknowledgecenter member write (Sonia) : "Setting RIP sliders in order to increase presence (%) of a given color RIPs have the option to increase the presence of a given color by setting up the percentage of a given colour density. This way, setting a higher presence of Magenta will redefine the presence of each colour and increase the red levels." I just ask you : how you do this with RIP FlexiPRINT HP Edition ?

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#9 tagus 4 years ago

#8 Hi there Try this On production manager, double click on the job you want, go to the last tab There you can tweak the percentage of CMYK output on the device. I have been trying to match some Pantone colors and that’s the tool I’ve been using. Notice that you can only change CMYK values, there’s no control over lm or lc in flexi; try to clone your profile and change it from CMYKlclm to CMYK, calibrate and print. Hope this can help out. Cheers

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#10 4 years ago

Thanks tagus. I test it but it deteriorates colors coherence. Why not use the pure tone option in the Flexy rip (double click on the job, middle tab) by indicating that we want to increase the duo MAGENTA + YELLOW (Reds) ?

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#11 4 years ago

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#12 4 years ago

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#13 4 years ago

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#14 4 years ago

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#15 4 years ago

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#16 4 years ago

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#17 4 years ago

I take a picture about of the right tab, What do you think about that to obtain vivid reds ?

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#18 4 years ago

Help please... Why not use the pure tone option in the Flexy rip (double click on the job, middle tab) by indicating that we want to increase the duo MAGENTA + YELLOW (Reds) ?

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#19 4 years ago

up !

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#20 3 years ago

OK, thanks !

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