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98:03 but the nozzles are all fine.

#1 andrew6258 4 years ago

Hello, I am having some slight issues on my HP L570. Every time I run a job the error code 98:03 pops up. I have done plenty of cleanings and nozzle test plots. I am confident that the printheads are in good working order and that this is an issue with the drop detector. I am mostly looking for info on how to clean the drop detector and what to do if it needs to be replaced. Thank you!

#2 kelvin.ng5186 4 years ago

#1 Hi, you can use a cotton swap to clean the drop detector , if you dont want take any risk then just replace it with new one. only HP train service engineer can do the parts replacement.

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#3 andrew6258 4 years ago

#2 Thank you for the advise, I will do this. Do you happen to know how to access the drop detector?

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#4 HP Daniela Ciolompea 4 years ago

Hi @andrew6258, This SE indicates that one or more printheads are malfunctioning, so I suggest performing the printhead status plot to find out which printheads are malfunctioning, and replace them. STEPS To print this plot, go to the front panel. Vinyl, preferably gloss at least 24 inches wide, is recommended for maximum visibility. The plot consists of small dashes, one for each nozzle on each printhead. For each individual colored pattern, check that most of the dashes are present. If the first area fills have banding, compare with the respective color in dashes below. If after running this test the issue persists, you need to contact your support representative.

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#5 andrew6258 4 years ago

#4 Hello, As I said in my original question, I have run plenty of nozzle plots and I am confident that it is not a PH that is malfunctioning, which leads me to believe it is an issue with the drop detector. I am looking for info on how to clean the lens for the drop detector but I am unsure where it is located. If you have any information pertaining to the drop detector on the 570 it would be greatly appreciated. Thank You

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